Monday, June 14, 2010


I am absolutely terrible about posting to this blog. I guess I just don't feel that I have anything really that "important" to say. My life is pretty busy, but I think pretty normal. :o)

Some new things going on for me are that I got my personal training certification, I have my first "gig" with the band this weekend (have I posted yet that I'm going to start singing with a band? That will have to be a separate post!) I'm teaching the pre-k 4 class now and really enjoying it! So, preschool owner/director/teacher by day, personal trainer on the side and rockstar on the rise! LOL! Pretty normal if you ask me!

Marissa is in her last week of Kindergarten. I'm a blubbering mess! When did she get so big? Why does she have to grow up so quickly!?!?! She's almost SIX years old!!!!! I'm so proud of her. She played Lacrosse this spring, is getting so good at the piano, loves dancing and we've recently learned that she has a GORGEOUS singing voice! Her teacher calls her "songbird". My heart just overflows with love for this precious little girl!

Christian is my bear...he's all boy and getting pretty brave and adventurous. He moved up to the Monkey (3 year old) classroom this summer and he's just a riot. He's sweet as pie, but tough as nails! His speech is amazing, he has zero interest in potty training, and his big brown eyes could melt you like butter!

Marty is doing great. He's working hard, looking amazing (he's working out too and really in fantastic shape!) and keeping me smiling! He's my very best friend and we've found that life has really been good to us, despite the curve balls we've been dealt recently.

So that's life for our little Loftus clan. I really will TRY and be better about posting over here!

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