Sunday, March 28, 2010


Friday night, we took our 5 year old daughter and her friend to see STOMP. There were absolutely adorable! We took them to a nice dinner beforehand and they were just giggling and acting as sweet as could be! It reminded me of what friendship really means; having someone there to share a special moment; a laugh, a smile, a tear.

The girls ordered the same dinner, talked about how "yummy" it was. They complimented each other's fancy dresses, held each other's hands, shared a dessert and just thoroughly enjoyed each other's company for the entire evening.

That same night, I received a text message from my best friend as she was excited about some new dinner menu planning she had just done. She's been following my journey through health and fitness and I suppose I've inspired her to some level. So we exchanged messages, learned that we were both running a 5k the following morning and wished each other the best.

During my race, I thought about my friend; I missed her terribly. After the race I immediately texted her to let her know my time and I waited until she finished to hear hers. Turns out we ran it in exactly the same time! How we wished we could have ran together, rather than on opposite ends of the country!

My life is rich in friendship and happiness. I am thankful for the friends in my life and I'm even more thankful to see my children share in that joy as they make their own friends.

"Happiness is time spent with a friend and looking foward to sharing time with them again."- Lee Wilkinson

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