Monday, March 15, 2010

Why I Dread the Dentist

So my kids had dentist appointments on Saturday. I was already prepared for what they would have to say about Marissa's teeth. Marissa was blessed with my soft teeth and despite our tireless efforts to brush, floss, rinse, etc, we ALWAYS have cavities! She has another cavity and is scheduled for another filling next week. BLAH.

Christian on the other hand...well, he got his father's genes. Perfect teeth, perfect spacing, no cavities (can you guess how many times I've been able to wrangle him down to get a brush and paste on his teeth?) It makes me laugh, but I'm happy that we won't have the dental bills of fillings and crowns for him!

So, Marissa is in Kindergarten. She's never been late or even missed a day of school. We are very proud of her perfect attendance. Well, the dentist office was completely booked for all their Saturday appointments for the next 3 months (I can't wait that long to have her get her filling) so she has to miss a morning next week of school. I know, I know, not a big deal, but it just stinks that they couldn't get her in even in the afternoon; apparently because of her age they want to see her first thing in the morning-which isn't until 10 am for them, which means she'll miss the first 3 hours of school! I'm being petty, but it just makes me frustrated!

I guess the lesson in this, I need to work harder to keep her from getting cavities so that we don't have to cram fillings into the middle of the week! Any advice?

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