Wednesday, May 4, 2011

She made it!!!

Whew! I got the phone call today right before picking Marissa up from school! She's made the chorus! I seriously got teary eyed! I told her when I picked her up from school and she was/is so excited! We are very very proud of her and I cannot wait to tell everyone I know (although, she's being very shy about it and is acting very private; I think she's overwhelmed. Poor boo!)

So here we go... I tell ya, she's going to be famous someday! :)

1 comment:

  1. *TEARS*

    AA!!! I am SO happy for you guys and SO proud of Marissa!! If you posted on the board I haven't seen, I've been at a mtg in NH all week and have only come on to blogspot to update my blog. And stalk yours of course. Anyway, CONGRATS to Marissa and WTG MAMA!!!!!! (((Hugs)))
