Tuesday, June 16, 2009

"Friendship is a word, the very sight of which in print makes the heart warm" - Augustine Birrell

Over the years of my life, I have made many friends. There have also been times in my life when I have gone without a friend in the world; heartbroken and lonely. Looking at my life today, I feel very blessed by the friendships that I have and I realize that those friendships did not happen by accident.

I think that the word "friend" is tossed around lightly. It is so easy to quickly label someone with that word, but the actual work of a friendship takes constant nurturing partnered with mutual respect and dedication. I look at my relationships that I have with people and I realize that with each true friend that I have, my life is so much brighter and full. Not because each person brings something to me, but because with each relationship I grow and my life is filled with compassion and understanding. Also, I feel that I can give myself to them in a way that is without shame or judgement. I can truly be myself and I know that I can accept people for who they are, completely.

I have a small group of friends, true friends; you know? The ones that you call when your heart is broken, or when your life is spinning with excitement and happiness. True friends feel your emotions and listen with their hearts. They offer advice with a level head and with your best interest in tow. They laugh with you until your sides hurt and they will sit with you in silence as your grieve. They are extensions of your soul. I never considered myself rich, until I counted my friends.

My friends are very diverse. My best friend, as cliche as it may sound, is my husband. He is strong and steady. He sees all dimensions of my complexity and he loves me without doubt. My closest girlfriend has known me since I was a young teenager. She has seen me grow and change. She appreciates the woman that I have become and she holds near and dear to her heart the girl that I was before. We speak an unspoken language of love and understanding. I know that no matter how I grow or change, the one thing that remains constant is my love and respect towards her. Our lives are intertwined and bonded in a way that is almost as if we were sisters.

I have been so fortunate to make friends as an adult. In a society that is so fast moving and competitive, it is hard to let down the barriers and connect with others. I feel lucky to have met a few women where we instantly had a connection. We are all going through similar stages in our lives. We're married, raising children, working hard and nurturing the woman that lives inside each of us. We're connected through a passion and love of life and well-being. I feel supported, encouraged and valued through these friendships; its full circle. I think about those friends and I can't wait to see them and connect with them. I love them, for who they are and who I am with them.

Friends are with your for a season, a reason or a lifetime. Whatever it may be, they will forever leave an impression on your heart and you will never be the same. Our friendships are what mold us to be the person we are; the lessons on love and friendship are what give us insight into who we want to be.

*the picture is of my daughter and her friend, Kendall. May she be blessed with friends and may she grow to know the value in being in a friend!

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