Saturday, June 13, 2009

Recharing my batteries

We're at our beach house in Delaware this weekend. Its been too long since we've been here and I was very much looking forward to the "down time". The drive was pretty easy, we made it here in about 2 hours, not counting our stop for lunch at this great little Mexican place where I seriously had the best chimichanga outside of Mexico!

Yesterday afternoon, we went to the pool and I quickly learned that taking two children under the age of five to the pool by myself is not really something that I would like to do again in the near future. Marissa has always been my cautious child; she's not a big risk taker and she tends to be more timid of her physical abilities. Chrisitan, however, is a different story! Within two minutes upon our arrival at the pool, I watched in disbelief as my 20 month old son JUMPED into the pool! Thankfully, I was right there! We played for a while until the kids had their fill of pool fun and we headed back to the house for snacks and quiet time (wishful thinking!)

Today has been more laid back, the kids and I did a little shopping while Marty "worked" on his car. Is that what men say they are doing when they just want to admire their toys? When we returned to the house, Marty was applying a final coat of wax on his convertable and going over every inch inspecting its perfection! :::: rolls eyes ::::

Marty decided to take Marissa to the pool this afternoon while Christian and I settled into a FOUR HOUR NAP! I am not generally a "napper", but I must say, that was just what the doctor ordered! I feel so refreshed and relaxed. Its probably not how most people would choose to spend their time on a beautiful sunny day at the beach, but I definitely feel great!

So now that my batteries are recharged, I wonder what's on the agenda for this evening...

1 comment:

  1. That's wonderful!!! Days/weekends like this are SO necessary sometimes!!!
